Saturday, October 2, 2010

always in my mind

i miss my matrix life. they really means a lot to me. i can't even express how fun this matrix life has been.At first, I really thought this season(PST) was going to be very long and become a very hard time because nobody knew who I was. But as the season went on, I realized that I was wrong. In my first day, I knew everyone. Not only was this season very fun and exciting, it became an experience that I thought I would never have.

The season to me was learning experience. I learned about friendship and what class means. The things I learned about friendship give me a definite edge over the other kids in high school. I learned about being a good sister, a good listener and about being a class "ceti". The experience with the them( members of m1p1 and h1p7) will help me go on to university, be a leader and be a better friend indeed. My experience with them is one I’ll never forget, the road trips and the activities. 

I enjoyed the two years I've been in KMM. the past season with them provided me with great deal of learning. we were not only thought to become better person, but to also be a responsible young men,the most helpful thing that i learned.

Miss Ross, our beloved English lecturer,taught us to be responsible young men by pushing us to be honest, strive for excellence, and teaching us that more often than not, we will suffer the consequences of our own actions.i learned how to be a good teammate. 
it was an extraordinary experience. this season was the bomb, the awesome. represented everything that was good. i am constantly still recalling moments from this unforgettable season. how could just one summer be so memorable in my life?

mood: i really miss this moment.
p/s: PDT pictures sik ada dlm lappy baru, nnt akn di upload lepas aku balik semenanjung 26 november ni...<3 u more

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