Friday, April 15, 2011

Post ini hanya sekadar luahan rasa ketidakpuasan hati.

Dear blog,
I’m sorry for ignoring you for quite a long time. I got many things to do. Assignments, presentations, test and some activities I willing to do. Since the wifi here is not working so well, and I have no time to update my blog and currently less concern towards Fb, so I just write it here. Hmm, by the way, sorry to all my friends who did looking for me for several weeks and did not reply any comments and messages.
And this week is just like the past few weeks, there are still assignments to be completed before study week start and final exam for the next coming week. Though I wanted to clear up all assignment by this week but unlucky thing happened. I don’t know either it’s a good thing or bad but I try to think positively. My project group assignment has been rejected by one lecturer. I still feel angry, mad, annoyed, a feeling that being torched by him. But I don’t say that I really hate him. I just feel uneasy whenever comes to this thing. Positively, I can say that this is the way for us to ‘score’ this project well so that we can score well in final. I hope so lah!
But what made me feel annoyed is that why he have to be racist? There are different races among us in this course, but he act differently whenever comes to his race. It’s unfair okay! He seem to be very buyers whenever comes to his favourite students. I thought I will never see this again after leaving high school, but what I thought is totally wrong. What I am mad about is not the way he teaches us, I don’t mind in what way he want to teach us because every teacher have different teaching style since I understand what teaching and learning is all about because its one part of compulsory subject in my courses. It’s all about his attitude. Humiliate students in front of the others, simply assume and conclude what he thinkt is right, simply judged people through what faces come out during the presentation. *ingat dia tu face detector ke macam camera?* I respect him what knowledge he have, he have more than us, than me la for sure. But his attitude, erk! Macam annoying je aku rasa. His racist attitude that he showed during the presentation, haih!  Orang buta pun tahu dia tu racist giler! Orang macam ni lah yang boleh memecah belahkan kaum-kaum dan bangsa-bangsa kat Malaysia ni. Mungkin tak semua orang berpendapat sama dengan aku, tapi inilah reality yang aku nampak. It’s totally psycho lah. Congrats! Memang sangat berjaya. Dan memang sangat menarik ceritanya sampai aku pilih untuk dijadikan cerita dalam blog ni.

Mood: annoying

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